NORMAL HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE CYCLE a normal human sexual response cycle can be divided into five phases: Appetitive Phase: this the phase which occurs before the actual sexualResponse cycle.this consists of of sexual fantasies and desire to haveSexual activity.Excitement Phase this is the first true phase of the sexual response cycleWhich starts with physical stimulation and by appetitive phase .the major changesDuring this phase are listed below;Male.Penile erection, due to vasocongestion of corpus cavernosa..elevation of testes with scrotal sac.Female.Lubrication of vagina.Erection of the nipple.Erection of the clitoris. thinking of labia minora.the duration of this phase is highly variable and may lost for several minutesPlatue phase . this is an intermediate phase just before actual orgasm,at the hightOf excitement .it is often difficult to differentiate the platue phase from the excitement phase. Important changes areMale.sexual flush.autonomic activity.erection and engorgement of testes.dew drops on glance penisFemale.sexual flush.autonomic hyper activityretraction of the clitorisdevelopment of orgasmic platformin the lower 1/3 of vagina. enlargement of breasts and labia minora(the duration of this phase may last half to several minutes.4 Organic phase …..this is the phase with a peak of sexual excitement f followed bya relase of sexual tension ,and rhythmic contraction of sex organthe important changes are……….Male…..4-10 contraction of penile urethra.orgasm..Female …….Orgasm 5 resolution phase this phase is characterized by sense of relaxation and well being
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