Every time a man has sex he loses loads of zinc. Oysters are by far the richest source. It’s no myth. Eating oysters re-loads your man.TOO TIRED FOR SEX? Although men apparently think about it every five minutes and it’s essential for the continuation of the human race, our sex drives are on the wane. And while sexual impotence is more physically obvious in men, more women are experiencing it too. So what’s going on?Sex drive is a complex issue. Desire is not only generated by the excitement and feelings you get when you fancy someone but it is also a question of physiological processes that are essential for that desire to be translated into actually wanting to have sex. Surveys are showing that nearly a third of women never reach orgasm and a fifth don’t enjoy their sex life. And although many men suffer from erectile dysfunction (not being able to have or sustain an erection), many more are finding their libido is low in the first place. Every system of the body suffers when you are sub-optimally nourished. Optimum nutrition not only helps maintain your sexual performance and enjoyment it also can also help relieve many sexual problems. Erectile dysfunction There’s nothing more than a fear of failure to ‘perform’ to put a man off sex. Like most forms of sexual problems, the inability to have or to sustain an erection can be caused by both psychological and physical factors. Physical problems can be due to drug side effects (e.g. beta blockers, antidepressants), atherosclerosis (blockage of the artery to the penis), diabetes, nerve damage (e.g. in multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries) but also due to low testosterone. A substance called nitric oxide (NO) is responsible for controlling the physiological circumstances that generate and maintain an erection such as increasing blood supply to the penis and restricting the blood flow from it. NO molecules are produced in the penile artery wall from the amino acid arginine in response to nervous signals stimulated by sexual stimulation. The NO then triggers the dilation of the arteries, increasing blood flow into the penis. Blood flow is also vital for a women’s sensitivity. The way Viagra works is by blocking the production of an enzyme that allows blood to drain from the genitals but a more natural approach is to take herbs and nutrients that help maintain normal, healthy NO levels. Supplementing the amino acid arginine (found in nuts and seeds such as almonds, brazils, pumpkin and sunflower) from which nitric oxide is made, can help. I recommend 2 grams a day.Natural aphrodisiacs – do they work?There are several so-called natural sex drive enhancers around, all of which claim to make bedtime (or perhaps any time) more alluring. B vitamins are needed for testosterone production, adrenal support, energy production and healthy nerves. Testosterone deficiency causes low sex drive in both men and women. So you could take a high strength multivitamin containing antioxidants and an essential omega 3 and 6 supplement. On the herb front, there’s Ginseng, Muira puama and Maca as well as Damiana. The most interesting of these is Muira puama and Damiana
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